Mod Installer Pro 2 (3 for PX6)

This application is designed to easily install Android 11 (only for PX6), 10, 9, 8 or 6 (for PX5) on any head unit on the MTCx or HCTx platform with a PX6 (rk3399), PX5 (rk3368) and PX30 (rk3326) processor. With it, you can install any compatible factory firmware, not just Hal9k Mod.
The update does not require the presence of a “GPS” slot for booting the head unit from the SD card.

The application has been tested on different types of MTCx and HCTx head units and has shown stable work. However, any flashing firmware on the head unit is a potentially dangerous operation. First of all, this applies to the head units on which Android 6 was installed from the factory. Therefore, the application is provided on an “as is” basis. The author is not responsible for any possible negative consequences.
New firmware does not support all equipment installed in older head units. Therefore, I ask you to carefully read the next section before purchasing the application.

The MD725 type 2 Bluetooth module works on Android 6, but does not work on Android 8 and 9.
In Android 10 and 11, no type of Bluetooth MD725 modules currently work.
How to find out that you have such a module: on the first page of the Factory settings, in the BT item, MD725 is selected. The command getprop bt.md725.type, executed in the terminal, answers 2.
Solution: install a separate Bluetooth module. The module can be found on or on AliExpress.

The SD-968 Bluetooth module with firmware made in March 2017 or earlier works in Android 8, but does not work in Android 9, 10 and 11.
How to find out that you have such a module: on the first page of the Factory settings, in the BT item, SD-968 is selected. The command logcat -d | grep wind_log, executed in the terminal immediately after rebooting the device, answers “verison: Mar 31 2017“.
A module with firmware made in August 2017 or later will work in Android 9, 10 and 11.
Solution: replace the module driver with the old version (Link) or replace the module with another one.

In addition, there may be other incompatibilities of the firmware you have chosen with your head unit, which I may not be aware of. This application is just a tool for installing firmware.

How to get the app?
Make sure your head unit is built on an MTCx or HCTx platform. The MCU version must begin with the letters MTCD, MTCE, MTCP, MTCH, HCTG.
Make sure you can enter to the Android OS recovery of your head unit. This is not necessary, but very desirable.

If you are not sure that your head unit is built on the MTCx or HCTx platform, send me these screenshots: Contacts

The correct device serial number is located in the Settings app – System – About. If your PX5 head unit has a very old firmware Android 6 or Android 8, released before 2018, then you must first install the latest firmware from the manufacturer of HCT. Download: For Android 6. For Android 8.
If the old Android 9 firmware is installed on your head unit and you cannot find the serial number, update the firmware.

Pay the required amount in one of the ways below. In response, during the day I will send you thanks and a link where you can download the application. The application is designed to work only on the head unit, the serial number of which you specified when paying. OTA Updates for Hal9k Mod is a standalone product and must be purchased separately.
If you have already purchased a previous version of the application, you can take advantage of a 30% discount to purchase a new version for the same serial number.
If you purchased the previous version of the application in June 2020, you can get a new version for the same serial number for free.

Cost: 850 rubles (in case of payment in rubles) or 16 euros (600 rubles or 11 euros with a discount) or the equivalent in another currency. If the payment system takes its fee from the transfer amount, increase the transfer amount by the fee amount.

Can I take advantage of the discount?
Processor type
Serial number

Be sure to send me a message using one of these methods. It must contain the following data:
  • what product you are purchasing (ModInstaller Pro or OTA updates)
  • device processor type (PX5, PX6, PX30)
  • device serial number
  • the payment method you used
  • date and time of payment
  • payment amount
  • TxID, in case of payment in cryptocurrency
  • other payment data that will help identify it (for example, a screenshot)
In the comments to the payment, write only the serial number and your email.

: payment methods

Telegram Wallet
YooMoney (works in Russia only)
Volet (Advanced Cash) wallet:
Payeer wallet:
Binance Pay ID (stablecoins preffered):
Bitcoin wallet:
Ethereum wallet:
WebMoney wallet:
Sberbank Visa card (works in Russia):
MTBank Mastercard (issued in Belarus, works in other countries):
Aleksei Ivanovich

Currency exchanger selection
Transfer from card to card (for Sberbank Visa card)
Transfer from card to card in USD (for MTBank Mastercard)

How to use the app?

  • Make sure the device has factory firmware or Hal9k Mod installed.
  • Perform a factory reset in the Settings app or Wipe data/factory reset in recovery mode.
  • Install and run the ModInstallerPro.apk application.
  • Remove all SD cards and disconnect all USB flash drives from the device.
  • Select the desired version of Android and click “INSTALL”.
  • Android 6 will ask: “Allow USB debugging?”. Answer OK.
  • If Hal9k Mod is installed on your head unit, allow the application to use root privileges.
  • The head unit will reboot into the recovery mode of the version of Android you selected.
  • A new recovery can boot for quite a long time, up to 10 minutes. Be patient. Do not reboot the head unit!
  • After booting into a new recovery connect a USB flash drive with any firmware of your chosen version of Android and install the firmware using the item “Apply update system” or “Apply system image”.
    Make sure that the you are installing is for the same version of Android as the recovery you just installed.
    Hal9k Mod
    Repository of factory firmware
  • The firmware (, update.img) can be installed immediately after booting a new recovery. The head unit does not need to be rebooted.
Video instruction from

The application includes the Mod Installer functionality, so if you select the same version of Android as on the device, then only the recovery will be installed, which allows you to install Hal9k Mod.