Hal9k Mod v5 Android 10

I am pleased to welcome you to my site. Thank you for your interest in my Mod.
Thank you for installing this version of Mod and i think you liked it.
If you don’t know yet what it is all about, then you will find the Mod here.

OTA Update v5.2.0 is currently available.

The basic version of the Mod 5.0 is free. It contains the changes that were made at the time of its release. Gradually, changes are introduced into the Mod, which add new functions and correct possible errors. If you want to support my project and receive timely online updates (OTA), subscribe to them here. This is the only way to get updates for the current version.

If you have an old version of Mod installed (3 or 4, Android 8 or 9), you need to update Android to version 10 first. To do this, you can use the ModInstaller Pro application. Then you can install version 5.0 and purchase a code to access OTA updates.

To do this, pay the specified amount using one of the methods below. In response, during the day I will send you thanks and an access code that will need to be entered in the Mod settings. The code will continue to work all the time while I make updates for this version of the Mod. The code is intended only for the head unit, the serial number of which you specified when paying. ModInstaller Pro is a standalone product and must be purchased separately.
If you have already purchased a previous version of the Mod, you can take advantage of a 30% discount to purchase a new version for the same serial number.
If you purchased the previous version of the Mod in July 2021, you can get the code for the new version for the same serial number for free.

Cost: 850 rubles (in case of payment in rubles) or 16 euros (600 rubles or 11 euros with a discount) or the equivalent in another currency. If the payment system takes its fee from the transfer amount, increase the transfer amount by the fee amount.

Can I take advantage of the discount?
Processor type
Serial number

Be sure to send me a message using one of these methods. It must contain the following data:
  • what product you are purchasing (ModInstaller Pro or OTA updates)
  • device processor type (PX5, PX6, PX30)
  • device serial number
  • the payment method you used
  • date and time of payment
  • payment amount
  • TxID, in case of payment in cryptocurrency. 
  • other payment data that will help identify it (for example, a screenshot)
In the comments to the payment, write only the serial number and your email.

: payment methods

Telegram Wallet
YooMoney (works in Russia only)
Volet (Advanced Cash) wallet:
Payeer wallet:
Binance Pay ID (stablecoins preffered):
Bitcoin wallet:
Ethereum wallet:
WebMoney wallet:
Sberbank Visa card (works in Russia):
MTBank Mastercard (issued in Belarus, works in other countries):
Aleksei Ivanovich

Currency exchanger selection
Transfer from card to card (for Sberbank Visa card)
Transfer from card to card in USD (for MTBank Mastercard)

If you have an access code, but the system update is not found, check the correctness of the entered code. Or write to me.

Perhaps in the future a new free version will be released, if a new version of the stock firmware appears and I decide to do it. But I can’t promise it for sure.